Monday, April 7, 2008

Chinese student likes ‘Gone with the Wind’

Published Originally in the Utah Statesman on Mar. 26, 2008; Online at Utah Statesman.

By JP Parrish
Staff Writer

Yan Guo

doctorate program


Utah Statesman: Where are you from?
Yan Guo: China, the southern part.

US: How did you choose Utah State, of all places, to study?
YG: Their research. My research background I had in China matches up real well.


US: How, financially, are you able to be here?
YG: They waive tuition basically by working, being an instructor or research assistant.

US: How long have you been here?
YG: This is my fourth year


US: What is your favorite kind of food?
YG: I guess Chinese food. You don’t get a lot of authentic food here.

US: What is the most fun you’ve had on a weekend?
YG: I guess you can do a lot of things if you’re an outdoors person. I guess you could have a lot of fun. I like to ski. I don’t go often but I like it a lot. I like hiking, going to the canyons. I enjoy the view. Hiking with friends and doing fun outdoor activities. I love it.


US: How did you spend your Spring Break?
YG: Well, actually, working.

US: Who is your personal hero?
YG: Well, I haven’t really thought about that question. The person can change over time. I admire the prime minister of China. He has an open mind. He’s not corrupted. He has taken care of a lot of people during our 10 years cultural revolution. A lot of families suffered during that era, and he was the one to take care of people during that era.


US: If you had a super power, what would it be and what would you do with it?
YG: It’s kind of cliché, but I would really want every child to be healthy and have enough to eat. So they can have their basic human rights: to go to school, to be taken care of medically.

US: What is the weather like in China?
YG: It has distinct four seasons. I love it.


US: What is one of your favorite movies?
YG: “Gone with the Wind”

US: What is one of your least favorite movies?
YG: I have definitely seen a lot of lousy movies. That would be a long list.


US: What is the most interesting thing you’ve ever eaten?
YG: Not my experience, but other people’s experience, grasshopper. Also cocoon. I’ve never eaten that. I never dared. They come on a stick and you buy four or five.

US: What is your favorite sport?
YG: I like swimming a lot. Hiking, skiing.


US: What do you plan to do once you finish school?
YG: I want to do international development. I don’t have experience, so I will see if I can work for an international organization for experience. Possibly, ideally, become a developmental consultant.

US: How do you feel about the Olympics being in China?
YG: I don’t know why, but there seems to be more political issues involved with this year. I don’t think they should play that much in the Olympics. I think they are trying to make this as successful as possible. They need to do a lot of things, like environmental issues, which has been a concern for many people.

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